Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Shit Happens (Revisited)

All day I have been telling them
Hey Pigeons - I’m watching you!
I made all the necessary arrangements to avoid it
I used my read-up newspaper as protection under me where i sat
I got extra napkins from my regular french vanilla stop
but in the end, it could not be avoided
no matter what i said or did,
no matter how hard I watched those damned birds
“yeah - watch out the birds, watch out the fkn birds”
it still happened...
There it was, a squirt of poop
it happened in a moment
a single moment when I let my guard down
reading one of my favourite books, Anais Nin
and drinking my favourite cup of coffee
smoking on my much needed nicotine stick
I got up, un-phased but pissed
I wiped off the poopy mishap with my napkin and
left to the loo.
and then minutes later...
returned to the scene of the crime
lit up another cigarette
and said to myself
Evidently.. shit happens...
Now, which one of u bastards did it???

I Must Utter What Comes To My Lips

I must utter what comes to my lips.

Speaking the truth creates chaos.
Telling a lie saves one scarce.
I am afraid of both these.
Afraid I am both here and there.
I must utter what comes to my lips.

He who has this secret known.
He must peep into his own
Lives He in the shrine of peace
Where there are no ups and downs
I must utter what comes to my lips.

It is indeed a slippery park.
I take precautions in the dark
Die inside and see for yourself
Why this wild search afar?
I must utter what comes to my lips.

It is a matter of good form
A norm to which we all conform
It’s God in every soul you see
If he is in me why not in you?
I must utter what comes to my lips.

(Says Bulleh) the master is not far from me
Without him there none could be
That explains the suffering and pain
But mine is not the eye to see
I must say what comes to my lips.

...Kartar Singh Duggal...

When it rains...

When it rains, it pours.. This is true
Strange though how the water seemed to kill the ground this time around instead of sow it’s seeds.

When it rains, it pours.. This couldn’t be more true
Even the flowers were taken by their roots

When it rains, it pours.. This is too true
Nothing was left of the fruits that once lavished the trees so beautifully.

When it rains, it pours… I know this truth

Consume This!


things and life, and sheep, and ideologies, and thoughts, and insecurities, and sex sex sex, and emotions just flying all over the place then we base


alligator masterbator

Oh you will get yours... one way or another.